Herniated Disc In Neck gf

What is Herniated Disc In Neck?

Herniated disc in neck is a condition where the one of the discs the acts as the cushion between vertebras breaks and spills the gelatinous content which then exerts pressure on the spinal cord or on the nerve branches that project form the spinal cord. The nerve branch gets irritated and causes weakness or pain in the neck in back. The condition could also be called ‘pinched nerve in neck’ and clinically as a Cervical Disc Prolapse.

Herniated Disc In Neck gf

The spinal cord projects from the brain and is protected by the spinal cord. The spinal cord is composed of individual pieces called vertebra and these bones have a hollow space where the spinal cord runs through. The discs lie in between the vertebras and provide flexibility to the spine as well as providing a shock absorbent function to allow people to bear weight up to a certain degree.

The discs deteriorate with age, life style factors accelerate the development of herniated disc in the neck. The disc loses some of the fluid that promotes flexibility as time passes. Improper weight lifting, smoking, poor diet, or a lifetime of hard labor makes the discs prone to injury. When the fibrous wall, called the annulus, reaches the breaking point, the gelatinous contents, called the nucleus gets forced out and starts pressing on the nerves.