
Invention Patent Basics

The owner does not need a patent to make, use or sell the invention, but only to stop others from doing so as explained by Invent Help experts.

Now you should ask yourself why it is that you want an invention patent. Obtaining a patent can be the best decision, and may even be the best business move you could make. Nevertheless, what you need to understand is that most patents do not make inventors money.

Based on the patents granted Patent Office these days, the question should not be whether you can get a patent, but rather whether any invention patent you are able to obtain is worth the investment. In other words, is the scope of protection meaningful?

Will the patent you receive actually be able to prevent competitors from making, using, selling and importing your invention? Is there a market for your invention? These and other questions should be considered.

To be granted a patent, the invention must meet the three criteria of new, useful and non-obvious. You can find many more useful tips about patent and patenting process from InventHelp, read more about InventHelp on AZBigMedia.