Granting Patents
An invention is a product or process that represents, for the first time, practical ideas and innovations that either improve the current state or provide entirely new possibilities. Under certain conditions, the invention may be granted a patent. The granting of patents is regulated by Act on inventions, industrial designs and improvement proposals, as amended. According to him, patents are granted for inventions that are new , the result of inventive step and are industrially applicable.
The patent owner has the exclusive right to use the invention (ie to manufacture, market or use the product), to give consent to the use of the invention to other persons (eg by a license agreement) and has the right to transfer the patent to another person. Therefore, in order for patents to remain valid, so-called maintenance fees must be paid in each country separately. The maximum possible duration of patent protection is 20 years.
If the applicant decides to file a PCT application, it is a so-called international application for an invention, which gives the applicant a priority period of 30 months (especially for the Americas) or 31 months (especially for the European continent) within which to consider States shall enter into patent proceedings. After this period, it is no longer possible to request the extension of protection to other states. As you can see it is best to hire the professionals, such as InventHelp patent services agency, to do this for you.
The PCT application is not a world patent, as there is no such thing as a world patent. Each state conducts its own proceedings in its official language and each state requires the payment of its own fees. The PCT application can only be filed from the national application of the invention which must precede it.
The first step in obtaining a European patent is a European patent application filed with the European Patent Office. The European Patent Office conducts a formal investigation to examine possible formal deficiencies. He then conducts a so-called in-depth survey, examining whether the invention protected by the patent application is new, it was necessary to apply an inventive step to create it and it is industrially applicable. If the application meets the above criteria, a European patent is granted.
The InventHelp patent company has a team of erudite patent attorneys with experience in the preparation of patent applications in various technical and scientific fields.
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