Concept Design

Concept Design Process

Concept design is a process of creating a visual representation of the product idea. It involves brainstorming and creating different concepts for the product, along with designing the graphical elements that will be used to convey those ideas.

Concept Design Goal

The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, so that later on in the project, there will be more room for experimentation and iteration. The design should be simple and easy to understand, but also convey the core value proposition of the product. It doesn’t need to include all the details about how something will work or look like in real life.

Concept Design

5 Steps Of Concept Design

The concept design process consists of five steps:

1. Brainstorming ideas for the product and its visual representation

2. Creating initial concepts based on those ideas

3. Visualizing the concepts by creating mockups or wireframes (rough sketches) of the product’s user interface

4. Refining the mockups and wireframes into more detailed versions of your design

5. Creating an interactive prototype that can be tested with users

The first step in the concept design process is brainstorming, which involves getting together with your team and listing all of the different things that could be done with the product. This will help you generate as many ideas as possible, so that later on in the project, there will be more room for experimentation and iteration.

Next, you’ll want to choose one or two concepts for your design—but don’t worry about making these final decisions yet! Instead, you should focus on creating high-level mockups and wireframes that will help you figure out what the different screens in your app might look like.

These are the first steps towards creating a detailed design, so it’s important to get them right. You can always go back and change your mind later on.

The next step is creating the mockups and wireframes, which involves making detailed sketches of what your product will look like. This is a good opportunity to get feedback from other people who have experience designing products, since they’ll be able to point out any flaws in your conceptualization process that you might not have noticed yet.

The Process Of Conceptual Design

The process of creating a concept design can be broken down into four steps:

1. Research and analysis – An initial investigation into the topic and its surrounding environment is required before any creative work can begin. This stage includes researching the problem and its context, as well as gathering information on competitors, customers and other stakeholders.

2. Ideation – The ideas that are generated during this step are usually far removed from reality; they are often unrealistic and impractical, but they help to inspire us with new ideas and ways of thinking. In this stage we brainstorm, sketch and explore different concepts with our team members (and sometimes even clients). We try to come up with as many ideas as possible before we start to narrow things down.

3. Refinement – During this phase we select the best ideas from those generated previously and refine them further by exploring each idea in more detail, developing it further and testing its feasibility by making prototypes or mockups etc. This is where we begin to see our concepts become real ideas that could work in practice, rather than just abstract thoughts or sketches on paper.

4. Iteration – Throughout this process we continue to go back over our designs again and again until we feel confident about them being the best solutions for our problems at hand . This is a very important step, as it ensures that we are able to create designs that not only work but also make sense.

5. Implementation – Finally, we implement our ideas into the real world and test them out in practice.


Concept design is the process of creating a visual representation of an idea. This can be done through sketches, drawings, or even digital renderings. Concept design is used with many different types of software and tools, including Photoshop and Illustrator.