Getting Tax Refund Loans Without Effort
When having your taxes prepared you will sometimes be offered a tax refund loan. Other places, such as furniture stores and car dealerships sometimes offer tax refund loans as well. A tax refund loan is basically, a scheme to charge you a fortune in order to advance you any tax money owed to you by the government.
No matter where you go to apply for tax refund loans, expect to have a sizeable portion of your refund taken, either there is a certain amount you have to purchase from the company offering the loan– or there is a certain amount you have to pay your tax preparer as processing fee. This basically takes the place of the financing charges you would pay on a traditional loan.
A tax refund loan, is a lot like a cash or payday advance loan. You are putting promised money from third party up as collateral. When this collateral comes in, it wipes out your loan. The fees are often taken out up front, since you should not be making payments on this type of loan.
If you have an emergency, emergency tax refund advance loan can be a blessing. Many people do have pressing issues that need to be attended to during tax season, and are grateful to be receive their refund sooner than they would through traditional methods. However, the majority of people who request tax refund loans every year are simply impatient. This really isn’t a great reason to get a tax refund loan.
Tax refund loans are unlikely to injure your credit. They are however, for the most part, a waste of money. If you e-file your federal return, which under certain criteria you can easily do online for free, the wait to get your refund is extremely short. If you have a bank account that you can receive direct deposit at the wait is only about 8-10 business days. The tax preparation software available online is painfully easy. These days anyone with a second grade education can file their taxes online. Even if you are afraid to file your taxes yourself, many tax preparation companies will e-file for you these days, this is pretty much the standard. Tax refund loans, usually take a few days for approval. If you choose to take out a tax refund loan, you should be prepared to pay a pretty penny. There is a fee associated with having your taxes prepared by a preparer, and then another hefty fee for the perk of getting your refund a few days earlier. Some tax preparers even charge you a fee for e-filing services though it costs this nothing.